Retraite Dorée Au Portugal informs customers of the established IPTU values ​​for 2025!

The value of 665 euros per square meter plays a fundamental role in determining the VPT (taxable asset value) of urban properties. The VPT is the value that serves as the basis for charging IPTU, (Municipal property tax) and is calculated based on different variables, such as the location of the property, its typology, its construction characteristics and the price per square meter. This value reflects the average construction costs and the market price of properties in that geographic area, and is determining the amount that the owner will pay annually in IPTU.

The VPT is recalculated periodically, which means that any change in the price per square meter can have a significant impact on the amount of tax that will be due. However, as is the case in 2025, when the value per square meter remains unchanged, the value of the IPTU will not undergo major changes either.

Application of the square meter price: New constructions and works
Although the value per square meter is an important reference for calculating IPTU, it is important to highlight that its application is not automatic for all properties. This value only comes into practical effect in certain situations, such as new construction or when a property undergoes significant changes, such as renovations, expansions or reconstructions. In these cases, the value of R$665 per square meter will be used to recalculate the VPT, and, consequently, the IPTU value.

For example, for a newly built property or for a property that has undergone major renovations or renovations, the price per square meter will be used to determine the current market value of the property, reflecting the appreciation of the property after the interventions carried out. This also means that, for older properties, or those that have not undergone recent changes, the value per square meter may not be reflected immediately, unless a new tax assessment of the property is carried out.

The importance of assessments and visits for the IPTU determination process
Calculating the IPTU does not only depend on establishing the value per square meter, but also on a thorough assessment of the characteristics of the property. Property valuation is a fundamental part of the process, and tax appraisers take into account a series of factors, such as location, state of conservation, typology and year of construction of the property.

For new or modified properties, visiting the site is an essential step to ensure that the value attributed to the property actually corresponds to its market value.

It is important to keep in mind that the decision to keep the square meter value unchanged does not mean that the IPTU value will be static for all owners. Any change in the characteristics of the property or in the assessment process can have a direct impact on the IPTU value. Furthermore, the application of the square meter price is just one of the elements in the IPTU calculation equation, and variations in the real estate market can influence the final tax value.

In conclusion, the value per square meter for purposes of calculating IPTU in 2025 remains unchanged, with the price of R$665 per square meter being applied for the third consecutive time.

This stability brings benefits to property owners, as the IPTU calculation process remains predictable and consistent. However, the application of this value is not automatic, and is only reflected in properties that have undergone significant changes or in new constructions. Therefore, it is essential that property owners remain aware of market conditions and tax assessments to ensure that the IPTU value is calculated fairly and accurately.

