Proof of address: what is it for and how can I get it? Retraite Dorée Au Portugal clarifies.

So, to find out how you can request this document, we leave you with some useful information that will save you unnecessary stress.

What is proof of address?

The proof of address is the official document that certifies the address registered with the tax office, and links that same residence as the citizen's tax address , allowing all official communications that are delivered via mail to reach the correct recipient.

What are the situations in which proof of address can be requested?

Although there is more and more cross-referencing of information between the various private and state entities, there are some situations in which this document may be necessary, such as: 

  • Signing or termination of contracts such as telecommunications;
  • Change of address;
  • Request for NIF and NISS;
  • Bank account opening;
  • Obtaining employment, some companies may require proof of
    address as part of the hiring process;
  • Application for a mortgage loan or other type of loan;
  • Enrollment in kindergartens/daycare centers and enrollment in courses or educational entities;
  • Health insurance contracting ;
  • Applying for Housing Programs: Many housing programs require proof of address as a way to prove residency and area eligible for the program. In the case of programs under the 1st Law, this document is part of the list of documents required to apply for the program;  
  • Request for a refund on taxes withheld abroad.

In short, there are several situations in which this type of document may be requested, as a way to authenticate the veracity of the data indicated when making a request, whether it is for change, acquisition, loan or even to attend an educational establishment.

senhora no computador

How can I get proof of address?

Proof of address can be obtained from state entities such as finance and social security, either in person or online.

In addition, the parish council where the citizen is registered and to which the citizen's tax residence belongs also has the power to issue a document proving the citizen's address.

In the case of using online services to obtain the proof, the finance and social security portal allows this certificate easily, quickly and free of charge .

How to obtain proof of address on the finance portal?

To obtain the proof through the tax office, you just need to be authenticated in the finance portal, by entering the access credentials.  That said, it is necessary to:

  1. Access "all services";
  2. Select the option "documents and certificates";
  3. Click on "request certificates";
  4. Choose the "tax domicile" option;
  5. And finally, click confirm and get.

Once the process is over, the file is automatically available for consultation on the computer. Since it is an invalid document, it can be saved for later use. This will only be considered invalid if there is a change of tax address.

Request issuance of proof of address at the Parish Council

There is also the possibility of requesting proof of address at the Parish Council of the area of residence.  To do this, it is enough to present the citizen card, however, in the case of those who opt for this type of request, it is necessary to bear in mind that the proof may have an associated cost, and the price of its issuance may vary depending on the parish council.

jovem a olhar para documentos

Obtaining proof of address through social security

Just as it is possible to request through the tax office, it is also possible to obtain proof of address at Segurança Social Direta. 

To do this, simply access the Social Security Direct portal, log in, and within the profile go to "personal data", followed by "update contacts" and select the "print" option.

The document can be saved in the same way as the one obtained from the finance portal, and also this does not have an expiration date or any cost to the citizen.

Senhora a falar ao telemóvel

Request the issuance of proof of address at the Citizen's Shop

Just as it is possible to request the issuance of proof of address at the Parish Council, it is also possible to obtain it at the citizen's shop in the area of residence.

The proof obtained in this way may be necessary in cases where the entity does not accept the document that it can withdraw on the finance or direct social security portal.

In the case of a simple proof, which only proves tax residence, it is usually possible to leave everything handled on the same day. In this case, you must pay to obtain the proof.

If a more detailed proof of address is needed and certifies something more than just the tax address, it is advisable to call in advance to find out which documents to present to obtain the proof and, preferably, always schedule a trip to the citizen's shop if possible. In this case, the proof is also delivered on the spot.

What documents can be used as proof of address?

Depending on the entity requesting the proof, there are documents that serve as a substitute for the traditional proof issued through the finance portal.

For day-to-day situations, the proof of address can be replaced by documents such as:

  • Rent receipt;
  • Driver's license;
  • Bank account statement;
  • Income statement;
  • Water, telecommunications, electricity, internet or gas bills ;
  • Certificate of tax domicile;
    senhor com documentos

Change of residence and proof of address

In the case of people who have recently changed their residence, it is mandatory to change their tax address, through the official communication of change of residence to the respective public services, such as the Tax and Customs Authority.

This change of address must be communicated within a maximum period of 60 days and if it is not carried out, you may incur a fine ranging from €75 to €375. All banking and insurance entities must also be informed, as well as the telecommunications and water services or others that are intended to be maintained in the new residence.

Alterar morada de residência

In addition, for those who have vehicles, it is also mandatory to update the address in the single vehicle document. To do so, you must use the Registries and Notaries service to make the change.

Once the process of changing the address in all services, public and private entities, it is always necessary to check the request for change of address on the Finance Portal and other services, in order to prevent anyone from getting the wrong address.

Once all entities have the new address, it is then possible to request the issuance of proof of address, either online or in person.