Portimão Construction of houses from scratch by the Palsul Group

The process of building a house is always time-consuming, from the creation of the plan to completion always takes some time....

There is no house without land, to build a house from scratch, it will always be necessary to have the space first, this is a fundamental step, select the land well, it is on this decision that everything else will depend. The price of land varies greatly depending on the location and the area it occupies, as with houses.

When you are evaluating a land, take into account that knowing the surrounding area is very important, it is advisable to visit the place at different times of the day to identify the environment and sun exposure.

The topographic verification of the space/lot is another step not to forget, rocky or sandy soils or with a steep slope, make the works more expensive. (Insider tip)

What documents do you need to buy  the plot of land? 

Land Certificate and the respective Land Registry are essential for verifying the areas, type of land, feasibility of permitted construction, who is the legitimate owner and if there are any conditions, encumbrances or liens mentioned. If the lot is inserted in a subdivision or urbanization, it is advisable to ask the owner or real estate agent for the ALLOTMENT PERMIT.

The purchase of land implies the existence of applicable fees at the Municipal level (IMI)  (paid annually or semiannually) such as the Municipal Transfer Tax (IMT) and stamp duty, the latter 2 paid at the time of the deed of purchase and sale. Added  to these values is the cost of the deed and the respective registration of the transfer of  property ownership.

After choosing the land and making the purchase, you can look for an architect to take over the architectural project and the design and aesthetics of the house. This specialist must ensure that everything is in accordance with the regulations of the respective City Council, usually an Office of architects and civil engineers prepare (the Architecture  and  Specialties project) that allows to ensure that it  is complete to submit to the approval of the municipality. Only with the approval of both Architecture and the specialties (sewage, water, gas, electricity  and communications) will the respective  Construction License be issued.

At this point you should ask for construction budgets to get an idea of the amount you will spend, as companies need to analyze both projects to  exucute the budgets  as  accurately as possible

The construction of a house involves the work of several professionals (carpenters, contractor, civil engineer, painter, plumber, electrician).  This company must have a good reputation and present all the necessary licenses to carry out the activity, must seek to  ensure that all legal issues are safeguarded, namely those related to safety, when hiring a company qualified for the type of work to be built, use the database of the Institute of Public Markets for Real Estate and Construction IMPIC, this procedure is free of charge and allows you to find the companies that are legally authorized to carry out the activity and that hold a license.

Having everything properly documented is decisive, namely through a CONTRACT OF OBRA.No document must specify the responsibilities of each of the parties, namely deadlines, payments and even possible penalties in case of delays.

It is the responsibility of the OWNER to draw up the plan to ensure the safety and health of the people who work there, something that must be done during the project phase.

Financing for the construction of the Housing 

Construction credit has different characteristics from housing credit, after approval, the credit granted  is made available in tranches, as the work progresses, later it will be up to an expert hired by the bank to inspect  the work, a common procedure that allows installments of the financing to be granted throughout the process.

No entity provides 100% financing, in construction loans banks lend 80 to 90% of the valuation of the land and the project, so to be able to start building  you will have to have the need to enter with your own capital.

If you need our services, the Palsul Group will be happy to help you! 

Information provided by Idealista


